At NSSM, our desire is to show teenagers how to add real meaning to their lives through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We strive to help students along the road to becoming devoted and developing followers of Jesus Christ who are committed to the following:
Worshiping God
Contributing to God’s work
Living under the authority of God’s Word
Walking with God’s people
Impacting God’s world
The vision of NSSM is to reach today’s youth by showing how a relationship with Jesus can be both real and relevant. We want every student that comes to our church to feel welcome and accepted… despite their challenges, desires, and feelings.
The Spot is our off-campus Student Center and is the center of all NSBC student ministries. The Spot is located 1 mile from the church
at the corner of Bailey Bridge and Bud Ball Roads.
The Spot is where our Junior High and Senior High Small Groups meet Wednesday at 7pm.
(Please note that all student ministry volunteers are expected to undergo background screenings before working with our students.)..